The Rechabites: An Obedient People

Original URL   Wednesday, October 26, 2022


so brother Peter Davis um had had asked me about just a little over a week ago to

um potentially sub for him um during your Wednesday night bible class and I was quick to say yes Peter's a good friend of mine um and I I do know many of you from the the Stoughton occlusion I've been down with with my wife sister Kaylin and um my mom sister Sandy Bartlett a few times and we really enjoy our time in Stoughton and I was happy to to hear that that um you needed a Bible class so I was happy to fill in for for Peter this week so we're going to be as brother Butch just read for us we're going to be talking about the record bites this morning um some of you may know the the record bites well and some of you um similar to me when I when I had read this chapter

um didn't know much about them and was very curious to know more about them so

um let's see here


um after reading Jeremiah 35 we are going to take a look at a couple different occurrences of the word recob or son of record which we which we came across a number of times in that passage we're going to see where that comes up maybe why it comes up and and what the significance is in terms of this chapter

so our first scriptural occurrence of wreck of or the son of rekhab comes from second Kings chapter 10. so um just for context uh in second Kings chapter nine jehu is Anointed the king of Israel in verses six and seven and he is commanded by God to destroy the house of Ahab and Throughout the chapter Second Kings 9 jehu assassinates joram in verse 24 hasaya in verse 27 and continues into Jezreel where Jezebel is located and as we know she's thrown down trampled and killed uh in verses 33 and 34. so if we move into second Kings chapter 10 and we can turn there because we're going to take a few verses from it second Kings chapter 10 jehu continues the slaughter of ahab's descendants which is exactly what he was committed to do and so in Second Kings 10 is the first appearance of jehonadab who is called the son of rakib


in verse 15 of Second Kings 10 we see that jehu met jehonadab as jehonadab was in quotes coming to meet him so second Kings chapter 10 and verse 15 and when he departed from there he met jehonadab the son of rekhab coming to meet him and he greeted him and said to him is your heart true to my heart as minus to yours in Jehovah Deb answered it is

jehu said if it is give me your hand so we gave him his hand and jehu took him out with him into the Chariot so jehu talks to this man who who it feels like comes kind of out of the blue and says is your heart true to my heart as mine is to yours an interesting phrase that that binds them together as jehonadab says it is

so jehu assists to hold it down into his Chariot and tells him to go with him and to see that his Zeal or to see his deal for the Lord so I found this a little bit interesting because jehu in the in the context of this chapter he wants to show off his Zeal rather than than showing it through uh his works and how he lives his life on a day-to-day basis he says come with me and I will I will show it off to you I will become a display right we have an interesting um opening to their relationship together so I think uh an easy question to ask in a surface level question to ask for us is where does jehonadab come from because this is the first time he's mentioned and as the son of record and it just kind of appears out of a break in the chapter so so where does he come from and why

um again it feels random and it seems random but we know that that nothing that the Lord chooses to put into the scriptures is random and there's always a meaning and a purpose behind it so the question you might be asking is why jehonadem

so if we just go through and take a little bit deeper of a dive looking at the the meaning of the word in the meaning of the word jehonadab or the name jehonadab

um the meaning of recup is is Strong's number 7392 and it means to ride on an animal or vehicle to place a pond for riding

um and then we get jehonadab or jonadab it's used as both but it means the same thing which means Yahweh is willing and that's Strong's 3068 or 5068. so if you put these two together jehonadab

the son of reckon you get Yahweh willing to make to ride in a chariot so jehonadab when he meets jehu what does he do jehu assists Johanna Dev into his Chariot and they ride together on jehu's journey to further destroy ahab's descendants and suppress the worship of Baal and Samaria so if you're still in Second Kings 10 we did just take a look at verses 15 and 16. so a really interesting start here too

um to jehonadab the meaning of his name and that his purpose

um or at least purpose and we're getting a little bit of insight into the man who was jehonadab or Jonah dab

so if we follow um jehonadev or Jonah Dev the son of rekhab through his next reference comes in Second Kings ten so the same chapter in verse 23 as they go and search the house of Baal to see if there are any believers so why don't we read that second Kings 10 verse excuse me verse 23. then jehu went into the house of Baal with jehonad the son of record and he said to the worshipers of Baal search and see that there is no servant of the Lord here among you but only the worshipers of Baal

then they went in to offer sacrifices and burnt offerings now jehu had stationed eight men outside and said the man who allows any of those whom I give into your hands to escape shall forfeit his life so jehu finds no Believers in a house of Baal and jehu Slaughters each and every one of them that we're worshiping and were

that we're worshiping in uh in um in the house of Baal

so jehu carried out God's plan in terms of destroying ahab's descendants but if you keep reading in second Kings chapter 10 we know that jehu did not walk in the law of the Lords so let's read for context Second Kings 10 verses 30 and 31. Second Kings 10 verses 30 and 31. and the Lord said to jehu because you have done well in carrying out what is right in my eyes and have done to the house of Ahab according to all that was in my heart your sons of the fourth generation shall sit on the throne of Israel so through that verse we think it's good news right jehu did as God told him to he carried out the plan and that bowed well for jehu's children but if we continue reading in verse 31 but jehu was not careful to walk in the law of the Lord the god of Israel with all his heart he did not turn from the sins of jeroboam which he made Israel to sin and in those days the Lord began to cut off parts of Israel heziah defeated them throughout the territory of Israel from the Jordan Eastward all the land of Gilead the gadites the rubinites in the minute Manassas from Aurora and so on so jehu did not follow the law of the Lord and therefore was was for it

so this is our intro to jehonadab or Jonah dad whatever you prefer and

we get him kind of slotted into a couple of these verses here along with jehu and we we again if we go back a couple of slides to that's right I don't know if I can go back at the moment but we went back a couple of sides uh we saw what his name meant and how it meant to to ride on a chariot right or Yahweh to ride on a chariot so we don't hear again of jehonadab or the recognites again until first Chronicles 2 verses 55 and that actually comes uh in David's genealogy so another another interesting um another interesting connection here with with the record bytes and it again it feels random but we know that it's not

so we are going to continue now forward um into where our reading was taken from and again Butch thank you for that into Jeremiah chapter 35. so if everyone wants to turn there we are going to be spending most of the rest of our class in Jeremiah 35. so as the the title of the class would

would say to you uh the recombites were a very obedient people and we're gonna we're gonna look at what exactly that meant uh in the context of Jeremiah 35. so let's read verses just one and two of Jeremiah 35. the word that came to Jeremiah from the Lord and the days of jehoiakim the son of Josiah king of Judah

go to the house of the record bytes and speak with them and bring them to the house of the Lord into one of the chambers then offer them wine to drink

so God tells Jeremiah to go to the house of the rockabytes and to bring them into the house of the Lord and offer them wine it seems like an innocent thing to do it seems like a nice gesture but why why does this matter why do the recombites why are they inserted into the middle of Jeremiah here

God knows before calling the requites in before asking Jeremiah to bring the record bytes in God knows that the rekabites won't drink wine

so why would he ask again the same question why would he ask Jeremiah to do this and did Jeremiah know this before as well and if he did know did he or would he have questioned God and asking him to do this okay so again we know that God has a purpose in all things that he says and does but did Jeremiah say why why am I calling this group of people in who I know won't drink wine to drink wine or to get wine prepared

and so if we go into verse 3 so I took jazzaniah the son of Jeremiah son of habazanaya and his brothers and all his sons in the whole house of the recombites so I just want to highlight one word there the whole house so it wouldn't just say or it doesn't just say a couple of repcobites or a group of rekabites or a family of record bites it says the whole house so to me and I think it's it's it's possible for us to imply or to assume that there are many people in the house of the record bytes that Jeremiah had gathered together again it wasn't just a group or a family it was many people it was the whole house

and in verse 5 Jeremiah sends pictures of wine before them again suggesting that there are many people present as it's not just one picture but it's pitchers plural and Jeremiah says to them drink wine so let's read verse 5. let's read verses four and five

I brought them to the house of the Lord into the Chamber of the sons of Hanan the son of igdalia the man of God which was near the Chamber of the officials above the Chamber of Messiah the Son of Shalom Keeper of the threshold verse 5. then I set before the record bites pictures full of wine and cups and I said to them drink wine so Jeremiah as he prepared this wine brought cups and pictures and told them to drink so it seems though as though that he had every intention for these people to drink the wine that was set before them it was a it was a command of God and he got it ready for them and expected them to take of it so this is where we begin to see why the record bites are set apart and why they are given recognition and why we believe that they were obedient people

so continuing in Jeremiah 35. after Jeremiah tells them and places the wine in front of them and tells them to drink wine he responds or the recovites respond to Jeremiah

uh in in verse six after them being told to drink wine so verse six

but they answered verse 6 Jeremiah 35. we will drink no wine for Jonah dab the son of wreck of our father commanded us you shall not drink wine neither you nor your sons forever

now it would make sense that this would be all the record bytes would need to say in order to get their point across about why they wouldn't drink wine right

you sent the wine before them they say our father commanded us to not drink wine us our sons or our daughters right case closed point over but they go further they go much further than that if we continue in verse 7 the record bites almost go on a diatribe or a rant about what their father jehonadab or or Jonah dab commanded them to do and we get a deeper look at what they believed and why they believed it

so in verse 7 continuing

you shall not build a house you shall not sow seed you shall not plant or have a Vineyard but you shall live in tents all your days

that you may live many days in the land where you sojourn

we have obeyed the voice of Jonah dab the son of wreck of our father and all that he commanded us to drink no wine all our days ourselves our lives our sons or our daughters


in the ESV which is the version that I'm reading from in the end of verse 7 it reads that you may live many days in the land where you sojourn in the word sojourn here is translated from the word strangers which is used in the King James version and in the in the Hebrew this means to properly to turn Assad from uh the road for a lodging or any other purpose that is to sojourn also to shrink fear as in a strange place so

uh as we read in uh verse 8 after verse seven Jonah dab commanded them all of these things

so just another interesting side note that we can take from from all these things contextually oops let's if I can go back sorry about that


if we take the Hebrew definition for stranger which we used in the ESV is sojourn or Sojourner

we have mention of fear and it's it's quite a ways down in the definition it's probably not a primary use of the word but it can be used in conjunction with the word although this is not used in direct context or necessarily as a direct relationship I I do think it's interesting to note that in verse 11 of Jeremiah 35 we do read

but when Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon came up against the land we the reqbites said come and let us go to Jerusalem for fear of the army of the Chaldeans and the army of the syrians so we are living currently in Jerusalem and I inserted the word currently because we knew they were not to plant roots

in anywhere that they went

so they chose to go to Jerusalem seeking safety from God when in fear of the Babylonians so it wouldn't have been smart for them to be living in tents on the roadside when the armies of the Babylonian or the army of the Chaldeans might have been walking through

so let's compare and again this is just an interesting side note here from from our topic so far but let's compare how the record bytes responded to fear to how the Israelites may have responded to fear in some other settings so let's turn up two references we're going to go to Isaiah 30 and Isaiah 31. so Isaiah 30 verses 1 and 2 . reads

ah stubborn children declares the Lord who carry out a plan but not mine and who make an alliance but not of my spirit and that they may add sin to sin who set out to go down to Egypt without asking for my direction to take refuge in the protection of pharaoh and to seek shelter in the shadow of Egypt so automatically off the bat the rechabites went in fear and in danger they seek refuge in God they seek refuge in Jerusalem whereas the Israelites seek refuge in Egypt or the world or pharaoh someone who is not God to provide them shelter but as it says in the shadow of Egypt

so then again in Isaiah 31 we'll read verses 1 to 4. woe to those who go down to Egypt for help and rely on horses who trust and chariots because they are many and in Horsemen because they are very strong but do not look to the Holy One of Israel or consult the Lord and yet he is wise and brings disaster he does not call back his words but will arise against the house of the evildoers and against the helpers of those who work iniquity the Egyptians are man and not God

and their horses are flesh and not spirit when the Lord stretches out his hand the helper will stumble and he who has helped will fall and they will all perish together for thus the Lord said to me as a lion Are Young Lion growls over his prey and when a band of shepherds is called out against him he is not terrified by their shouting or daunted at their noise so the Lord of hosts will come down to fight on Mount Zion and on its Hill so we're getting this idea here of of what the Israelites choose to do when they face fear and they turn and rely on the world they rely on Earthly and worldly strength they rely on horses and chariots and strong men rather than their God and their creator so two more quick references in terms of this point Jeremiah 42 we'll read verses 19 and 20. Jeremiah 42 verses 19 and 20. the Lord has said to you o remnant of Judah do not go to Egypt known for a certainty that I have warned you this day that you have gone astray at the cost of your lives

for you sent me to the Lord your God saying pray for us to the uh to the Lord Our God and whatever the Lord Our God says declare to us and we will do it but as we know once again they never do it

Jeremiah 43 verses 1 to 4 and then verse 7 one more reference to this

when Jeremiah finished speaking to all the people all these words of the Lord their god with which the Lord their God had sent to them Azariah the son of hoshiah and johannan the son of Korea and all the insulin men said to Jeremiah you are telling a lie the Lord our god did not send you to say do not go to Egypt to live there but Barrack the son of nariah has set you against us to deliver us into the hands of the Chaldeans that they may kill us or take us into Exile in Babylon so Johan and the son of Korea and all the commanders of the forces and all the people did not obey the voice of the Lord to remain in the land of Judah and then skipping down to verse 7 and they came into the land of Egypt for they did not obey the voice of the Lord and they arrived at to fannies so again it's more of a side note than anything but it's gonna play a role into the rest of this class and the impacts and the the reason why I believe the record bytes are used uh in this chapter by the Lord God so we know that that the rekhabites when facing trouble or danger they sojourn to a place of safety where God has them protected and covered but the Israelites when they're in the same situation when people of Judah they flee to Egypt which we know is a place of death

so a recap of The Commandments um the record bytes followed from their father Jonah dab which we read in verses six and seven or seven and eight the requites were to drink no wine or strong drink in all their days including their sons and daughters

they were not to build or live in houses but rather to be sojourners or strangers in the land living in tents with no permanent dwelling and lastly they were not to have Vineyards or Fields or to plant seed so you can probably see it in the slide if you're looking at it but what do you think of for Bible Echoes when it comes to to these three statutes of course Abraham I would assume jumps right to your mind so let's turn over to Genesis 12 and verse 8. Genesis 12 verse 8. we'll read seven and eight for context then the Lord appeared to Abram and said to your Offspring I will give this land so he built there an altar to the Lord who had appeared to him and from there he moved to the Hill Country on the east of Bethel and pitched his tent with Bethel on the west and AI on the East and there he built an altar to the Lord and called upon the name of the Lord and flipping over a page Genesis 13 Verse 3 driving home this point of Abraham being a Sojourner

Genesis 13 Verse 3 and he journeyed on from the negeb as far as Bethel to the place where his tent had been at the beginning between Bethel and AI to the place where he had made an altar um at the first and there Abram called upon the name of the Lord and again in verse 18 of the same chapter so Abram moved his tent and came and settled by The Oaks of mammer which are at Hebron and there he built an altar to the Lord a few pages over Genesis 23 verse 4. a cool verse here

Genesis 23 verse 4. I am a Sojourner and a foreigner among you give me property among you for a burying place that I may bury my dead out of my sight so that was Sarah's death and burial so a pretty neat connection here to to Abe uh Abraham and the rekabites

um people that were faithful extremely faithful and in their service

so we'll come back to Jeremiah 35. so one of the things that that stuck out to me when reading uh Jeremiah 35 and deciding to study it was what is the purpose what is God's purpose of giving the requites a full chapter of recognition or notoriety why why the record bytes why these people we know that there were there were many groups of faithful people but Jeremiah 35 is is so telling to us in terms of um in terms of why God chose them to be to be an example we're going to talk about that now

I'm flipping back to Jeremiah 35 and you all might like to as well


um as I mentioned I believe God is using the reckabytes as an example for the people of Judah so we're going to go through

um a couple of verses here

um from eight through about 18 but we won't read them all I just want to highlight and it's actually written all right here for you so

I guess I guess we'll read it for context but I'll just I'll be quick going through it

so just notice and pick up on the theme here it's not all the same word but it's pretty much between two words so again I'm reading from the ESV it might be interesting to know what the the King James or another version says but um this is a fun exercise when studying to really highlight different points in the chapter that stick out

so starting in verse 8 we have obeyed the voice of Jonah Dev the son of wreck of our father and in verse 10. but we have lived in tents and have obeyed

and done all that John Adam our father had commanded us moving on to 14 the command that Jonah dab the son of record gave to his sons to drink no wine has been kept and they drink none to this day for they have obeyed their father's command verse 16. the sons of John Adam the son of rekhab have kept the command that their fathers gave them but this this people the people of Judah has not obeyed me

verse 18. but to the house of the recombites Jeremiah said thus says the Lord of hosts the god of Israel because you have obeyed the command of Jonah dab your father and kept all his precepts and done all that he has commanded you and so on in verse 19. over and over and over again Time After Time the point is driven home God is using the people the record bites as an example of a people who obeyed Commandments that their father gave them the people of Judah did not obey the commands that their father God our Lord and our Lord God gave them so if you look in verse

was it 16 I believe

yeah let's read 16 one more time the sons of Jonah dab uh the son of record have kept the command of that their fathers gave them but this people the people of Judah again we get that has not obeyed them

so Johnny Depp commanded and what the requites did out of love faith and loyalty was follow these Commandments and so what did God do for Judah we'll take a look at that now

how did Judah respond the people of Judah respond to what was asked of them so we're going to do a similar exercise but with verses uh 14 15 and 17. the command that Jonah dab the son of record gave to his sons to drink no wine has been kept and they drank none to this day for they have obeyed their father's command I have spoken to you persistently oh sorry they have obeyed their father's command period I have spoken to you persistently but you have not listened to me

verse 15. I have sent to you all my servants the prophets sending them persistently saying turn now every one of you from his evil way and amend your deeds and do not go after other gods to serve them and then you shall dwell in the land that I gave to you and your fathers but you did not incline your ear or listen to me

so in verse 14 God had spoken to them in the ESV persistently and in the King James version is notwithstanding but continually and time after time they did not listen

and in verse 15 again God uses the same words uh persistently and he was Rising them up early and sending they were motivated they had a message to share with the people and he was sending them out to share this message but they did not listen

time and time again we get the same message

verse 17 therefore thus says the Lord the god of hosts the god of Israel behold I am bringing upon Judah and all the inhabitants of Jerusalem all the disaster that I've pronounced against them because I've spoken to them and they have not listened I have called to them and they have not answered

a clear Point brothers and sisters and friends being driven home

that the message was not followed by these people the people of Judah the record bytes were used as an example for the people of Judah

the record lights were obedient to the Commandments of their founding father Jonah damp organ jehonadab if you prefer they followed all that he commanded and did not lose sight of what they knew was most important to them and if you read again in verse 8 it talks about um

drinking no wine all of our days ourselves our wives our sons are our daughters and you better believe that their sons and daughters pass those same Commandments down to that next generation

God earnestly wanted them to leave their evil ways and to turn aside from them and amend their ways and then they could dwell in the land that have been promised to them but they were unwilling Time After Time

the people of Judah would not listen to the words of the Lord although they received clear instruction

but did not choose to listen uh to listen

and just put yourself not that this is possible but put yourself in in God's shoes for a second um when you tell someone whether you're a parent um you're a teacher I'm a teacher I know there's a couple other teachers in this in this Zoom meeting but put yourself in the shoes of a parent or a teacher where you're asking something of your child or a group of of people or kids maybe you're a manager at work and you ask people to do something for you and it doesn't get done so you ask again and then you ask again and time after time it consistently does not get dumped that is the most maddening thing possible and so obviously it's not we're not able to put ourselves in in the shoes of God we don't know how he might have felt or how upset he might have been

um but it's certainly an interesting perspective and one that I think we can relate to in the ways in the ways of the world that that we live in today

so we know that the people of Judah were going to be punished um but what about these record bytes what about what was the the end games for them what was what is said about them going forward

so Johnny Depp's Commandments he gave to his people had been followed closely and we see the result of the the

um celebration of this in verses 18 and 19. because you have obeyed the command of Jonah dab your father and kept all his precepts and done all that he commanded you therefore excuse me therefore

thus says the Lord of hosts the god of Israel the son of wreck of shall never lack a man to stand before me

the work that Jonah dab did and The Obedience that his people had after him was noticed by God

they were to never to lock a man to stand before him before God

they were promised they were to be rewarded for their obedience and their good works


some really really cool Echoes so far and uh we're getting pretty close to wrapping up here

um but if we go to the beginning of the chapter we're going to talk a little bit about um an exhortational piece of this chapter

so Jeremiah 35 in verse 4. so let's let's read that once again

um let's start in verse two and go through verse four

go to the house of the record bytes and speak with them and bring them into the house of the Lord into one of the chambers then offer them wine to drink

so I took jazzaniah the son of Jeremiah son of habazana and his brothers and all his sons and the whole house of the recobites

I brought them to the house of the Lord into the chamber of the sons of Hanan the son of igdalia the man of God which was near the Chamber of the officials above the Chamber of massaya the son of Shalom Keeper of the threshold so let's do our best to decipher this and and maybe someone even has some notes that could contribute to this um but but let's take a look and try and decipher this a little bit better

so the record bytes are are initially brought into the temple and into the Chamber of the sons of Hanan so we're going to look at each of these names individually the son of big dalaya the man of God which was near the Chamber of the officials and above

the Chamber of Messiah the Son of Shalom Keeper of the threshold

so let's take a look at what each each of these words mean um in the Hebrew so Hanan which is Strong's 2605 means to be merciful

igdalia 3012 in strongs the Hebrew uh and this is actually its only appearance in Scripture it means magnified of yah

so Yahweh right we get the we get the beginning of Yahweh there

it says was a man of God and and God here has translated Elohim or Mighty ones

masaya and and uh he the Hebrew and strong is 46 41 means work of yah or work of Yahweh

Shalom Strong's 79 67 means secure or recompense or reward

so we're starting to get an idea of this picture and we're starting to shape up and see how this will come together and why

um why it was important to add these names in before uh or while writing this chapter

so and if you haven't picked up on it yet I think it's it's easy for us to draw parallels here to Christ in the upper room with his disciples

the record bytes were brought into an upper room and these names are all different titles of Christ

is this comparison an exact or direct reference to Christ in the upper room with the disciples maybe not but I think there there's clear parallels here um to that story and with a closer look we'll draw those parallels now


we're going to ask another why question and I think when you're studying the Bible it's so important to say why because again it's not just there to be there it's there for a reason so why would the record bytes be in the upper room and reject the wine

we can look at the record bytes in Jeremiah 35 and the Commandments they followed um from their father Jonah Dam they lived a life of service and obedience and they may not have taken the line but their example was a dedicated and obedient life

something the people of Judah and Israel failed to do

so let's read Jeremiah 35 with the the names being um drawn out the meaning of the names being drawn out and we'll see we'll see how cool of a picture this paints

I brought them into the house of the Lord into the Chamber of Mercy

the son of magnified by yah

which was near the Chamber of the officials above or in the upper chamber of reward

so a really really neat echo in parallel here to to Christ in the upper room with the disciples